Guide Page

Barrmore Vets are pleased to offer a comprehensive, caring service to all cat owners.

Guide Page


We strongly recommend vaccination of all cats, starting as young as nine weeks of age. These vaccines help protect again Feline Panleucopaenia Virus (feline enteritis), Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus (cat flu), Feline Calici Virus (cat flu) and Feline Leukaemia Virus. Even indoor cats are at risk to some of the diseases, so should receive vaccines as well.

Our ‘Kitten Pack’ includes the two initial vaccinations, their first worm and flea treatment, a microchip, and 4 weeks free insurance. Please speak to the clinic for more details.

After the first initial vaccines we recommend yearly check-ups which include a full physical examination and booster vaccines as required. This will help us spot any early signs of disease, as well as maintaining your cat’s immune system protection against serious infectious diseases.




Unless a female cat (queen) is to be used for breeding we recommend that she is spayed at the age of 5 months (before she starts her seasons).  If left unspayed she will come into season every 3 weeks during the spring and summer months (roughly February to September) and sometimes all year round with modern electric lighting in homes.  Spaying will prevent unwanted kittens, but also has health benefits, including reduced risk of developing mammary tumours, pyometra (infection in the uterus) and false pregnancy.

The procedure involves a general anaesthetic, a left flank incision and full ovariohysterectomy (removal of both ovaries and the whole uterus).  The incision is closed with one or two absorbable stitches.


We recommend all male cats (tom cats) are neutered, any time after they reach 2kg.  If left entire they have very strong smelling urine and will mark their territory readily, often within your home.  Neutering or castration also prevents wandering and means that cats are less likely to engage in fighting behaviour.  Therefore, neutered males are less likely to be injured or killed in road traffic accidents, suffer less fight-related injuries and are less likely spread infectious diseases such as FIV (an immunodeficiency disease caused by a similar virus to HIV in humans).

The procedure involves a general anaesthetic and removal of both testicles through two small incisions.  No skin stitches are placed and the wounds heal very quickly, usually within 7 days.



All cats should be treated regularly to kill parasitic worms – both for your cat’s health, and all for the health of all our children, as some worms can be passed to them.

We recommend that kittens are de-wormed monthly until they are 6 months old, and that adult cats are wormed every 3 months (more often if they hunt and catch rodents).

We know that not all cats are easy to give tablets too, so we carry a number of worming options, including spot-ons that go on the back of the neck. Contact the clinic for more information about which worming products would be best for your cat.


Flea Treatment

Cats also require regular treatment for external parasites, especially fleas! Again there are a number of products available, including some combo products that do both fleas and worms. Please contact us to find the best product for your cat.


Senior Cats

Old age comes to the best of us, and we want to make sure your cat ages gracefully. Our clinic offers free geriatric checks with our nurses, which supply an opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have. They will be able to advise you on senior diets, exercise, dental health, weight control and more.

If the nurses think anything is concerning, your cat will be referred to one of our vets who can give a more thorough examination, and run any tests they think are necessary.



We employ an OV ( Government approved Official Veterinarians )  who is able to complete PETS Passports for travelling abroad and other official documentation needed for importing and exporting cats. For further detailed information please visit

We can also provide advice on parasite control and disease prevention when travelling abroad.



Our clinic employs 2 veterinary nurses who are able to give free advice on a variety of topics, including:

  • Worming and flea control
  • Dental care
  • Obesity problems
  • Diet
  • Basic training problems.